Shoes are imported by large manufacturers. These manufacturers send all kinds of shoes to other countries after production. Today, many large manufacturers in our country export all kinds of shoes, especially high quality leather shoes that have high sales in the world. Import export of shoes is done by many countries and. Countries that have access to raw materials for shoe production can also have good exports. Iran imports and exports various shoes and in some cases is an exporter and in some types of shoes also an importer. Some shoe brands in the world are very popular and are exported all over the world and are very popular.

The cost of Import export of shoes

The cost of Import export of shoes is estimated according to the price of currency, customs, transportation, etc., and also the type of shoes and its brand have a great impact. Shoes in Iran compete in leather models with countries such as China, Vietnam, Germany, Belgium and Turkey and Italy. Armis Shoes Manufacturing is one of the major shoe manufacturers in our country, which has produced a variety of quality shoes.

Important factors in the import of footwear imports

There are very important factors in the import of footwear imports, such as price, quality, variety, up-to-dateness, and so on. Fashion is an important part of shoe sales that should be considered in order for shoes to be more popular. Most countries Import export of shoes and import or export a large number of shoes to our country every year. Our country is like these countries and is active in this field.

Shoes are one of the accessories that are very important and play a great role in our health. There are different types of shoes, of which we can mention comfortable shoes, medical shoes, sports shoes, etc. Each shoe must have a standard. We need to feel comfortable when we wear shoes, so choosing the right shoes is very important.

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